• Plastic bottles

    Plastic Free July

    Do you ever have the nagging feeling you ought to be doing more for the environment? Does it seem hard to live the eco-friendly lifestyle to which you aspire? If you feel stuck, then you’re not alone. Be reassured –…

  • Almonds

    The biggest Zero Waste challenges I expect to face

    I have had enough of living life at the expense of the planet, and I want to live sustainably, producing as little waste as possible. It’s merely about making the right choices, I thought. I would need to change where…

  • How can we reduce, reuse and recycle in everyday life?

    At school, many of us were taught to reduce, reuse and recycle.  I remember enthusiastically making brightly coloured posters to promote these principles, and I’ve always tried to follow them. Now that I am starting a journey to reduce my…

  • The ocean waves

    3 facts about our oceans that shocked me

    Anyone who has gazed out to sea from a sandy shore has marvelled at the majesty of the ocean. Covering 70% of the planet’s surface, water dominates the natural world. I have always sensed a mysterious beauty in the rolling…

  • Zero Waste jars

    What does Zero Waste mean?

    Have you ever been really curious about something but failed to look it up? This was my story with the Zero Waste lifestyle. I had heard of people in America who produced so little rubbish that they could fit a…